LA Metro Traction Power & OCS 

The Twenty-Eight by ’28 Initiative provides a clear vision of Metro’s priorities. Selected projects address regional needs, with a focus on transit solutions that would provide additional connectivity to major sports venues.

Project Description

The list of projects included some already slated for completion by 2028 and several complex mega projects that would require unprecedented acceleration. These projects represent a strategic and forward-thinking approach to ensure the success of the Games while concurrently fostering long-term benefits for the diverse communities of Los Angeles County. Other potential anticipated equity benefits include a reduction in single occupancy vehicle reliance, improved air quality and reduced household transportation costs. 

Project Detail


Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transit Authority

Estimate Budget


Our Part

Traction Power & OCS 

US Rail Systems Scope

Our USRS team is a recognized expert in traction power and OCS systems in North America. Our team has been involved in projects at LA Metro such at SECOTrans, MOW and Traction Power Facility Arc Flash Studies.

Connecting the US at the Speed of Tomorrow